Complete Story


Committee Spotlight:

Communications Committee

1. What is it like to be a member of the communications committee?

Our committee is responsible for assembling the bi-monthly newsletters, keeping an active social media presence, and preparing promotional materials for the conference and other SAVIR events. With lots of different activities to keep us busy and a small committee roster, it means all our committee members are highly engaged and active in our work!

2. What are your goals for the next year? What new initiatives are you planning?

We have been working to be more collaborative with other SAVIR committees to better coordinate promotion of events. We’re looking forward to continuing to deepen our partnerships with Student and Early Career, Training & Infrastructure and Membership committees as they roll out their agendas for the year.

3. If your next committee meeting were a poker tournament, who would be the winner?

My money is on Sara Brandspigel to take the pot. She is an exceptional strategist, brilliant at reading the odds and with a surprisingly fabulous poker face.

4. How can SAVIR members get involved with your committee? How often/when does your committee meet?

We meet the first Tuesday of the month at 12pm Eastern. Send a note to committee chairs Ann Saba ( or Elise Omaki ( for the zoom link!

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